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Author Guidelines

When submitting a manuscript, the author should have to attention:

1)   The manuscript should be within the scope and focus on this journal subject.

2)   The manuscript is sent in Ms.Word format with the following conditions:

  • A4 paper (21 cm x 21,7cm) with the page margin; Left (3 cm), top (2 cm), Right (2 cm), and bottom (2 cm);
  • The number of manuscript pages is between 5000 - 7000 words.
  • The manuscript is written in one column in Times New Roman font.
  • The conjunctions (and, in, or with, as well, about, that, against, so, because, then, for the sake,) and prepositions (in, to, from, into, within, by, through) are written in lowercase.

3)   The manuscript is written with the following regulations.

  • TITLE (Times New Roman 14; all capital letters and bold; 1 space).
  • Author Name (Times New Roman 12 and bold; 1 space).
  • Author Affiliation (Times New Roman 11; 1 space), contains the name of the institution/organization/workplace/author’s works/study place.
  • Correspondence (Times New Roman 11; 1 space), contains the first author’s email address.
  • ABSTRACT and ABSTRAK (Times New Roman 12; all capital letters and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 10; 1 space). The manuscript abstract is written in two languages (English and Indonesian). For manuscripts in the Indonesian language, the English language abstracts are placed on top of the Indonesian and whereas.
  • Keywords (Times New Roman 11 and bold) and their contents (Times New Roman 10), keywords are written in English; with a number of 3-5 keywords.
  • INTRODUCTION (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 11; 1.15 spaces).
  • LITERATURE STUDIES (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 11; 1.15 spaces), literature must be relevant to the study/research topic.
  • METHODS (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 11; 1.15 spaces).
  • RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 11; 1.15 spaces). Description and discussion of results should be made separately.
  • CONCLUSION (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 11; 1.15 spaces).
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENT -optional (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 11; 1.15 spaces
  • REFERENCES (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and reading sources (Times New Roman 11; 1.15 spaces). The Source of citations and bibliography must be the same. The writing format of a bibliography refers to The American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. Citation and bibliography writing are advised to use Mendeley.

The conditions of manuscript writing above are stated in the Manuscript Template of Jurnal BACA.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript has never been sent and published to other publishers of any kind (print/ electronic). If there is duplicate publishing, author is willing to delete the article from the journal archive. It is strongly recommended that author fill out the Manuscript Authenticity Statement and/or the Transfer Copyright Statement as proof of compliance in the process of publishing journal.
  2. The manuscript title and substance must be relevant with the focus and scope of Jurnal BACA. If it is not relevant, it will be returned to author (REJECTED).
  3. The Manuscript is written and is compiled based on the Manuscript Template of Jurnal BACA, with 5000 - 7000 words. Especially for the abstract or full-text manuscript in English, please check the grammar and sentences using Grammarly.
  4. When submitting the manuscript to Jurnal BACA, author is asked to attach upload research data related to the manuscript substance in the "Supplementary File" menu in Jurnal BACA and fill out the data in the Research Data Deposit Form of Jurnal BACA [see also archiving and data deposit policy].
  5. The citations and the bibliographies are strongly recommended using Mendeley. The number of scientific bibliography is at least 10 titles (80% primary and 20% secondary references). Primary references consist of journals, proceedings, scientific books, research reports, theses, dissertations, patents, standards, and historical documents; while secondary references, including general reading books and internet information resources.
  6. Author upholds and adheres to the provisions of the copyright, privacy, and licensing provisions.

Copyright Notice

  • This statement is the author's commitment to respect copyright, both in terms of citing other people's work and the utilization of journal content. Where necessary, the author may send the Manuscript Authenticity Statement and/or the Transfer Copyright Statement that "the work is the original idea of the author and has never been sent to another publisher and published in other publication".
  • The publication right of the journal is the journal manager's property within the author's knowledge, and the moral right of publication is the author's property.
  • If the article is accepted for publication, authors agree to transfer the copyright and grant NON-EXCLUSIVE publishing rights of the manuscript/article  to the publisher BACA: JURNAL DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI
  • The formal legal aspects of journal publication utilizing refer to the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative (CC BY-NC-ND) license [see also open access policy].


Privacy Statement

Every one who involved (editor, reviewer, journal manager, and author) in this journal publication has to respect to other's privacy, upholds the copyright, and ethics of scientific publications [see also Privacy Policy Elsevier].