Information For Authors

  • When submitting a manuscript, make sure your account (as author) is actively registered on the journal site. If it is not active, please register online independently to the journal site. If you find difficulties, please contact the secretariat.
  • Manuscript must be in accordance with the scope and the manuscript template of Jurnal BACA.
  • Manuscript must be submitted by the main author (as correspondence). If the manuscript is written by more than one person, the main author must add data of the other author fully. Abstract included in article metadata is English abstracts, while bibliographies are systematically arranged and separated by an "enter".
  • When submitting manuscript to Jurnal BACA, author is asked to attach uploading research data related to the manuscript substance in the "Supplementary File" menu on the journal site. The research data of the manuscript is a dataset in form of the interview transcript data, processed data/statistics, activities documentation (photos, images, graphics), sound recordings, etc.). As a willingness form to deposit of this research data, Author was asked to fill out data in the Research Data Deposit Form of Jurnal BACA.
  • Author who does not attach the research data and the manuscript has been received for publishing matter, he/she are required to deposit the data directly in Repositori Ilmiah Nasional Dataverse ( if the manuscript had to be published. After depositing the data, please confirm to email:
  • To ensure the grammar and sentence of the English manuscript, author should check it by Grammarly.
  • If needed, author can request the Manuscript Received Letter and/or the Publication Issuance Letter for educational purposes.