Digital marketing development becomes the achievement focus of one government program. The government declares the target as a digital economy country in Asia region. Industry advancement correlates to the research activity conducted by academics. There are two types of cosmetics distributed to the market, namely halal cosmetics and non-halal cosmetics. The objectives of this research were to find out (1) the growth of the numbers of research article and citation, (2) the development article and citation level’s progress, (3) the correlation among the authors (co-authors), (4) the co-occurrence of halal cosmetics-related research in digital marketing from 2016 to 2021. This study was conducted by employing bibliometric method. The data collection applied Publish or Perish method using the key words of “Halal Cosmetics” and “Digital Marketing”. The analysis was done to 60 relevant articles throughout 2016 to 2021. The collected data were analyzed using VOSviewer software. The analysis result showed that the growth of the numbers of article publication and citation level tended to increase per year. The publication achievement in 2016 showed that there were two articles with 7 citations. The articles number published in 2021 increased by 45% and there were 27 articles. Article development showed that the article entitled “Determinants of purchase intention of halal cosmetic products among Generation Y consumers” had 19 citations achievement. Co-author analysis suggested that there were 3 clusters formed. The limited number of formed co-author showed the gap of research development on halal cosmetics in digital marketing. Co-occurrence analysis indicated that there were 8 clusters with halal cosmetics’ purchase decision as the most dominant topic.
Pengembangan pemasaran digital menjadi fokus capaian salah satu program pemerintah. Pemerintah mencanangkan target sebagai negara ekonomi digital diwilayah Asia. Kemajuan industri berkaitan dengan kegiatan penelitan yang dilakukan oleh akademisi. Terdapat dua jenis kosmetik yang berada di pasar, yakni kosmetik halal serta kosmetik non halal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui (1) pertumbuhan jumlah artikel dan sitasi, (2) Perkembangan Artikel serta tingkat sitasi, (3) Hubungan antar peneliti (co-author), (4) Hubungan antar kata (co–occurrence) penelitian kosmetik halal dalam pemasaran digital pada tahun 2016 – 2021. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode bibliometrik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Publish or Perish dengan kata kunci “Halal Cosmetics” dan “Digital Marketing”. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan perangkat lunak VOSviewer. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan jumlah publikasi artikel dan tingkat sitasi cenderung meningkat setiap tahun. Capaian publikasi pada tahun 2016 menunjukkan 2 artikel dengan sitasi sebanyak 7. Jumlah artikel yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 2021 mengalami peningkatan mencapai 45% dengan jumlah 27 artikel. Perkembangan artikel menunjukkan artikel dengan judul “Determinants of purchase intention of halal cosmetic products among Generation Y consumers” dengan capaian sitasi sebanyak 19. Analisis co-author menunjukkan klaster yang terbentuk sebanyak 3 klaster. Terbatasnya jumlah yang terbentuk pada co-author menunjukkan celah pengembangan penelitian kosmetik halal dalam pemasaran digital. Analisis co-occurrence menghasilkan 8 klaster dengan topik yang paling dominan adalah keputusan pembelian kosmetik halal.
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