The characterization of digital databases is needed to make it easier for academics to identify scientific literature properly and efficiently. This literature review intends to provide characterizations and descriptions related to research trends, methods and coverage fields studied in research related to the scientific database of scientific literature from around 2007 to the present (January 2019). By applying the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, 54 relevant studies were chosen to be studied further. The systematic literature review method was applied in this study to analyze and identify previous studies related to this topic. Based on the selected primary literature there is an increasing trend of studies related to the scientific database of scientific literature. In addition, we can see that there are four of the most influential and influential publication journals related to this topic, namely the Journal of Informetrics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Asian Social Science and Journal of Academic Librarianship which are characterized by high levels of productivity issues related to the topics studied and SJR values rank is in the range Q1. Most of the studies were conducted on Scopus digital database (41%), Web of Sciences (WoS) 38% and Google Scholar (GS) 13% and the rest spread in other publication journals. The results of this study also identified that Scopus is a scientific database which has the most varied coverage fields compared to other digital database scientific literature. WoS is a digital database of scientific literature that has proven to have a paper with a higher impact factor than others. GS has the predicate digital database with the largest collection level.
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