This paper discusses reports of the surveys on information needs of engineers which have been conducted in Indonesia in the last ten years. It also covers technological transformation in Indonesia, such as micro level technology indicator within 10 strategic industries. Various data centers! iriformation centres of different subjects are included in this paper. Based on the above mention surveys, it is concluded that: 1. Communication among information providers and engineers, especially those who are dealing with research and development is still weak. 2. Most engineers in Indonesia are lacking ofiriformation about the availability of S&T information sources in the country.
3. Information/data centers are seattered diverse in various subjects and they haven't been linked each other yet. 4. So far, the qualitiy of S&T data/information provided has not met with the industrial development needs in the country. 5) Promotion on information sources haven't reached all engineers especially those who are dealing with R&D activities.
3. Information/data centers are seattered diverse in various subjects and they haven't been linked each other yet. 4. So far, the qualitiy of S&T data/information provided has not met with the industrial development needs in the country. 5) Promotion on information sources haven't reached all engineers especially those who are dealing with R&D activities.
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