The pwpose of this study is to find out the authorship
and the use of literature characteristics in social sciences. The
result for the study of Masyarakat Indonesia (JSSN 0125-9989)
consists a number of 12 publications with 67 articles showing
that the authors were dominated by males. The most popular
subjects written are social groups by age and ethnic, and labor
economics. The average number of authorship per article is
1,09 and articles with multi authorship reaching 8,96% and
author productivity being 9,23%. The average number of pages
per article is 19,60 pages and each article containing 24,91
references. Books are the most used document for references,
and median of all citation age is 11 years, while citation age in
politics and economics are relatively current documents.
Prisma is the most cited journal, while the most cited of
Indonesian authors is Koentjaraningrat.
and the use of literature characteristics in social sciences. The
result for the study of Masyarakat Indonesia (JSSN 0125-9989)
consists a number of 12 publications with 67 articles showing
that the authors were dominated by males. The most popular
subjects written are social groups by age and ethnic, and labor
economics. The average number of authorship per article is
1,09 and articles with multi authorship reaching 8,96% and
author productivity being 9,23%. The average number of pages
per article is 19,60 pages and each article containing 24,91
references. Books are the most used document for references,
and median of all citation age is 11 years, while citation age in
politics and economics are relatively current documents.
Prisma is the most cited journal, while the most cited of
Indonesian authors is Koentjaraningrat.
Authorship; Citation analysis; Indonesian journal; Social sciences; Masyarakat Indonesia (ISSN 0125-9989)
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